Updated 6/10/24
Become a Patron!
We have a Patreon page! Patreon is a website that allows entities to provide exclusive perks/content to subscribers for a minimal monthly fee. In other words, when you subscribe to IHM’s Patreon page, starting at only $10 a month, we will provide extra content for you!
This site contains fun and enlightening content, including video slideshows, articles, and the occasional musical performances by Fr. Nick and friends.
To become a patron, simply click the image link below, and click on "Join." Then follow the prompts from there. (Note: clicking "Join for free" allows you to sign up for Patreon without cost, but it will still cost $10 a month to gain access to all material on the IHM - Unify, Beautify, Glorify Patreon page). Also, don't forget to download the Patreon app for immediate alerts on updates.
Thanks for your support!